
What Is A Thermometer?

A thermometer is a type of instrument that you can use to measure your body temperature. You may have seen this device in hospitals where nurses and doctors use them to measure the body temperature of patients. In addition, they are also used to measure the temperature of food, water and air. Mercury or diagnostic thermometers are specifically designed to measure human body temperature. Read on to know more. In this article, we are going to focus on three types of thermometers: mercury, digital and infrared. We will go into the details of each type of units to help you learn more about them. This will make it easier for you to select a unit that can meet your temperature measurement needs. Just make sure you know what you need. Mercury thermometer First, you should shake the unit, which will move the mercury inside the tube. Next, you should place the marked portion of the device under your tongue for about two minutes. Do not open your mouth or read during this time may be ...